Tuesday, September 27, 2011

18-19 Weeks

Crazy last couple of weeks! I can now say I have experienced what most of my patients experience and that is contractions. I started feeling a couple this week and after lots of rest, water, and phone calls to my doctor I am feeling much better. I saw a perinatologist this morning, which is a high risk pregnancy doctor which was perfect timing since I was having contractions. We are seeing her for several reasons: we are considered high risk because of IVF, twins, and Jake's CF. She explained all the risks with each and completed a very detailed scan of both babies organs including their brains, hearts, stomachs, kidneys, and measurements. She also measured the length of my cervix to make sure the contractions were not causing my cervix to shorten, which would indicate preterm labor. Our plan is to keep a very close eye on the cervical length, usually when a cervix starts shortening, preterm labor starts 3 - 6 weeks after. Oh, and I forgot to mention we also found out what we are having......



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

16-17 weeks

The babies are about 3-5 oz each and about 5 inches from crown to rump. I can finally say that I can feel them moving! At first I was not sure, but now there is no mistaking. Baby B is definably a lot more active than baby A, however, I can still feel movement on both sides of my belly.  They should both be able to hear now and are starting to develop fat. People are now starting to realize that I am pregnant and I am so excited that I don't just look "full" which is just a nice way of saying chubby. Below is a belly shot from 16 weeks.

Friday, September 2, 2011

15.1 Sono

AMAZING! We still can not believe how much bigger they have gotten! We were able to see them dance inside their little sacs, both of them constantly moving. Hopefully, I will get to feel their movements in the next couple of weeks.  Neither one would really cooperate with us trying to sneak a peek at genders, so we will have wait another 4 or so weeks. My belly is measuring about 19 weeks, 4 weeks ahead of what I am because I have too little mango sized babies growing, instead of just one.  We finally have let the rest of the world in on our little secret and announced our pregnancy yesterday. We could not be happier.