Wednesday, October 26, 2011

22-23 weeks

Not only can Jake and I feel big movements, but you can now see them move and kick my belly. It feels and looks like they are doing gymnastics inside. This week Jake was able to feel them roll around and lets just say he was a little freaked out. He was just used to their little kicks and was not expecting to feel his girls turning and twisting, lol. Next week we start doing additional testing to make sure I am not going and will not go into preterm labor. We are still pondering on names and can not seem to nail anything down. It seems harder with two!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

21.1 Appointment

Today I had my follow-up cervical appointment with the perinatologist. Wheeeww, my cervix still looks good and has not shortened and still looks like it did almost 3 weeks ago! woo hoo! This is wonderful news and is very reassuring that everything is as it should be. She also took a quick peak at the girls to follow up on the last appointment. Baby A has flip-flopped and is head down and laying almost on top of her sister who still wants to be breech. They're getting so big its getting hard to tell what is what during the sono, so many parts and pieces wiggling and kicking around. My favorite part of the appointments are to feel them move and see the actual movement on the screen it is so neat. My next appointment is on Tuesday with Dr. Motley for my routine 4 week check up.
Baby B has her back turned away from us at the bottom,
 while her sister is curled up almost on top of her.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

20-21 Weeks

Goodness, as you can see we have had lots of growing! And mama is starting to really feel her girls kicking and stretching. Even more exciting, daddy last night for the first time got to feel his girls kick! I think I was even more excited that he could feel them than when I first felt their kicks.  I have to admit that it made me tear up a tad bit. I am really starting to feel all the stretching and moving that comes with growing a belly and I have to say its becoming more and more uncomfortable. I have my appointment with the perinatologist this week to check my cervical length to make sure the few contractions that I am having are just normal stretching of my uterus with growing two babies at one time.