Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First 10 days- NICU

Monday January 16th- Baby girls are here!! After my recovery was finished I was taken in my stretcher to see the girls. I don't think anyone can prepare you for the first time you get to see and touch your baby. The hardest part is not being able to hold them without monitors and wires.

Tuesday- Wonderful day! Neely was taken off her CPAP, contiunous positive airway pressure, (which helps her breath easier by pushing air into the bases of her lung bugs leaving them open so that she does not have to work at doing it while breathing), and placed on a little oxygen. Avery and Neely both needed IVs to help them stay hydrated and had a gavage tube in place for feedings. We were able to hold both girls and have some skin to skin time! I have been able to pump more colostrum for the girls feedings.


Wednesday- Rough day, when we arrived to see our sweet girls Neely's IV infiltated (stopped working) and they needed to restart it. I was able to start trying to breastfeed Avery while daddy stayed with Neely while the team of nurses tried restarting her IV. After 5 sticks and tearful mom and dad, Neely was completely stressed out and needed to be put back on CPAP. The stress caused her to breathe faster than her normal rate which resulted in her working too hard to breathe. As a nurse I understand that restarting the IV was completely necessary and that sometimes it takes more than one try to start IV's, but as a parent it was one of the most grueling things. It was very hard watching your poor baby struggle. Dr. Whitney ordered a stat chest x-ray that showed infiltrates and they started her on two days of IV antibiotics. Meanwhile Avery had done so good keeping her body temperature stable that they decided to put her in an open air crib and remove her pulse ox monitor. They were still using the NG in her nose for her feeds while I pumped. It was a very hard day celebrating one child's improvements while tearfully watching the other struggle.

Thursday- Much better day! They have removed Avery's feeding tube and IV and we are breastfeeding her and bottlefeeding her breastmilk. She is tolerating her feeds well and have increased the amount that she is getting. Neely had a repeat chest x-ray that still showed lung infiltrates and are continuing antibiotics. Neely is having a hard time tolerating her feeds but has improved since giving her breastmilk instead of formula. They are watching the bilirubin levels closely as they continue to climb but for now are still in a normal range. Neely seems to continue to bat at her CPAP tubing and has dislodged it 3 times within 30 minuets. The nurse practitioner decided to take it out and see how she did without it thinking that it was irritating her more than helping. After removing it, Neely was able to keep her oxygen levels up above 92% without even requiring supplemental oxygen!! They also moved her feeding tube from her mouth to her nose! Mommy and Daddy having a much better day!

Friday- Wonderful day! Both girls are doing great! Neely did wonderful throughout the night and still does not require any additional respiratory support. With the help of the lactation consultant we were able to start tandem breastfeeding today. Avery is actually feeding while Neely is still getting her feeds through her feeding tube but is able to be on the breast while doing so. We are able to start giving Neely bottles and once she is able to take feeds for 24 hours and tolerate them without needing the tube than it can be removed! Bilirubin levels have continued to climb but still just under the normal range.

Saturday- We have some blue babies! Both bilirubin levels have gone over the normal range so they have both been started on bili lights. Neely is down to 4lb 10 oz and Avery 4lb 4oz. Still breast and bottle feeding both girls.

Sunday- Neely gets her big girl crib and IV and NG have come out!! YAY! Both girls bili levels have dropped back down and they are off the lights! We have officially graduated to the NICU step down unit and now they just have to pack on the pounds! Neely weight dropped another ounce so we are watching it closely and praying that they start gaining so we can all go home.

Monday- Another rough day. Today was rough only cause Jake and I were told that we could no longer stay in the hospital in postpartum. I was not a happy camper. I had been able to breastfeed and bottle feed the girls around the clock and going home meant that I was not going to be able to do that 30 min away at home. But on the bright side Neely did not loose anymore weight, while Avery lost another ounce. Avery passed her hearing test and Neely only passed it in one ear, they reassured us that this could be normal and will repeat this test tomorrow.

 Tuesday- Wonderful day! Neely gained 3oz and Avery gained 2oz!! The girls also passed their car seat test which means that they can safely be transported home in their car seats without having any apnea or bradycardic episodes. Another step in being discharged! Neely passed her hearing test!

Wednesday- Woo Hoo! Neely is up to 4lb 13oz and Avery 4lb 7oz. Dr. Whitney is happy with their weight gain and we received rooming in orders! This means we are moving back up to the hospital and will have the girls in our room to make sure the transition from the NICU to home goes as smoothly as possible!!

Thursday- We received our discharge orders!! The girls got an injection called Synergis which helps to prevent RSV, due to the fact that they will both be at risk due to their prematurity. Both girls are  very tiny in the car seats! Made us both sooo nervous getting them home.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

playing catch up

I can not believe that it has been 7 weeks since our girls have made their grand entrance!! I have soo much to write about, I am pretty sure it might take me 7 more weeks to get it all down!! The first 10 days were crazy ups and downs in the NICU. But on day 10 we were on our way home with our girls!! After that the weeks have flown by, mostly sleepless, but have been fast nonetheless. Hoping this week I will be able to get it all down before it escapes my crazy mind!