Tuesday, July 26, 2011

10 weeks

Yay for double digits! The twins should be about an 1 1/2 inches each this week. Cartilage, bones, and hair follicles are starting to form this week. It is offical, I am defiantly starting to develop a baby bump. I can no longer wear a belt, an only one pair of jeans fit my growing waist.  I have my next OB appointment next week. I cant wait to see how much the babies have grown since last week.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

9 weeks

 This week has been a roller coaster. I had my appointment on Tuesday got to see the babies moving and twitching (as they are developing tiny little muscles this week) and their hearts beating. They still kind of look like shrimp but with longer nubs. They are about the size of green olives (about an inch long) and there heads are continuing to grow (four times what it was at 6 weeks) and look more like a babies than tadpoles. The stomach organs are also growing rapidly.

After my appointment I was running errands and started to have strange symptoms (vision, memory, and confusion problems) I was able to make it home in time for the right side of my face and hands to go numb. I called my doctor, who told me to go the the ER. Once there, becuase I was pregnant, they did not want to run any testing on me. My physican admitted
me to the antepartum unit for neurology consult. After some testing and two days, they came to the conclusion that the symptoms were caused by the  hormones that I am still taking to help with the pregnacy. Instead of discontinuing the estrogen I am adding baby aspirin to my daily medication regimen to decrease the side effects of the hormones (which I only have to be on until 11weeks, when the placenta will take over). I am home now and will back to work next week.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

8 weeks

Sorrry, this is a little late! Last Wednesday we had an 8week check up to see how they are growing. Both A and B are measuring right at 8weeks! We again got to hear there heart beats and see the hearts flickering on the screen.  Next week I have my first OB appointment to get everything set up and do all the other fun stuff like lab work, health history, vitals, etc.  We should also be able to hear the heart beats with a doppler, since we will be 9 weeks. Woo hoo! I have to say I still feeling ok, I still have not thrown up and only had to take anti-nausea medicine a couple of times. Overall I am feeling good! I have started to develop a little bump and my regualar clothes are starting to not fit right.  Below is a picture of all the labor and delivery nurses at work that are pregnant in order of how far along we are.
starting with me on the left- 8weeks, 13weeks, 22weeks, 32 weeks, 36 weeks, 39weeks.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

7weeks, 1 day

Not only did we get to see both babies heart beats, but we got to hear them beat. Baby A's hear was beating at 135 beats per min (bpm) and Baby B's was about 150bpm. It is so amazing to hear them beating. I was not expecting to be able to hear them this early. The hearts beating looked like little things flickering inside.

This week the babies are about the size of a blueberry (they both are measuring about 11mm from crown to rump), they are forming their mouths, tongues, arm and leg buds. The kidneys, liver, and lungs are also forming.  Below is what our babies look like at 7 weeks.
7 Weeks Pregnant