Saturday, July 16, 2011

8 weeks

Sorrry, this is a little late! Last Wednesday we had an 8week check up to see how they are growing. Both A and B are measuring right at 8weeks! We again got to hear there heart beats and see the hearts flickering on the screen.  Next week I have my first OB appointment to get everything set up and do all the other fun stuff like lab work, health history, vitals, etc.  We should also be able to hear the heart beats with a doppler, since we will be 9 weeks. Woo hoo! I have to say I still feeling ok, I still have not thrown up and only had to take anti-nausea medicine a couple of times. Overall I am feeling good! I have started to develop a little bump and my regualar clothes are starting to not fit right.  Below is a picture of all the labor and delivery nurses at work that are pregnant in order of how far along we are.
starting with me on the left- 8weeks, 13weeks, 22weeks, 32 weeks, 36 weeks, 39weeks.

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