Monday, November 14, 2011

24-25 weeks

We have made it to viability! At 24 weeks the girls would have developed enough to live outside my tummy. Although there would be major health concerns, they would have about a 70 % chance of survival. This is a huge milestone as every week from now on increases their chance of survival and lowers the risk of  long term health problems.   We did some testing in Dr. Motley's office this week to determine my risk of going into preterm labor in the next two weeks. The test is called Fetal fibronectin, or FFN, and if negative can suggest with 99 % certainty that I will not deliver in the next two weeks. My test was negative so we know they will be swimming around for two more weeks. She measured my stomach and going along with before, I am measuring about 4 weeks larger than what I am. The next day I had an appointment with the perinatologist who again looked at my cervical length. My cervical length is still over 3.5cm which also predicts that I will not have any preterm labor during the next several weeks. The perinatologist also looked at the girls growth rates to make sure both girls are growing at the same rate and that they both had adequate fluid levels. Baby A was measuring about 1lb 8oz and Baby B 1lb 9oz both with a good amount of fluid. She was so pleased with what she saw she does not need to see me again unless there is a problem with growth, fluid levels, or any other complication that I am more at risk for since I am carrying two babies.  This week we went and registered after getting good news, which we found challenging trying to figure out what we need two of and what they can share and purchased one of the cribs. Cant wait to finish painting the nursery and set up the cribs.
24 weeks

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