Sunday, November 27, 2011

26- 27 weeks

Between Jake and I there is never a dull moment. Jake had not been feeling well and made an appointment to go to the doctor to check on his lung function (which indicates how he is doing with CF). We went in to find out not only had his lung function decreased, but it had dropped dramatically. After talking with His physician they decided that it was best to admit him to the hospital for a 5-7 day stay and then an additional 7 day regimen of home IV antibiotics. So this past week I have been driving back and forth between Dallas (were Jake was admitted), Fort Worth (work), and Mansfield (home). I was able to take 3 days off which helped me get tons of rest with Jake at the hospital and get the remainder of my assignments completed. We are home now and Jake's lung function has not only increased, but surpassed what this normal lung function has been the last several months, and he still has more antibiotics to go! Meanwhile, thank God for more blessings, my 26 week FFN was negative. Girls continue to kick, stretch, and most importantly grow! Every week they gain more weight and continue to mature. On the downside of all that growing is I get to feel the weight of them growing more rapidly and feel contractions as my uterus expands two fold (which are not pleasant but it means that everything is happening as it should and we are grateful for that!). We are both very excited as each week passes while at the same time getting more and more nervous about how much our lives are going to change! I have my next check up this week with a sono so we get to sneak a peak at how much they are growing and if they are behaving. We will also have another FFN done. 

26 weeks

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