Tuesday, December 6, 2011

28-29 weeks

28 weeks
We are growing, growing, growing! Monday we hit a few bumps with contractions. I have been taking a very low dose of medication to stop contractions when they get closer together when I need it. However, on Monday they were not only getting closer together but getting more and more uncomfortable with pressure. My physician was off but I was able to see her partner who was wonderful. She monitored both babies and contractions and increased my dose of contraction medication and wanted me to start taking it every 6 hours around the clock to slow down my contractions. She checked my cervix which was still the same and completed an FFN which was again negative!!! All very good news! Contractions are now under control I am back down to the lower dose, but taking it every 6 hours. I had my regular appointment with Dr. Motley on Friday and growth scans on the girls! They each weigh about 2 1/2 pounds with very long legs. We were able to take a glimpse at their faces and the ultrasound tech was convinced that one baby looked just like me and one looked just like Jake. Baby A is head down, while her sister likes to change from laying straight under my ribs to just her head in my ribs! After talking with Dr. Motley we decided that it would be a good idea to stop working and go on bedrest for the remainder of my pregnancy. I am finishing out this week since I just have a training and classes. So starting next Wednesday, at 30 weeks, I will be officially at home preparing for our girls arrival!! Other exciting news, we had my first shower this weekend and we received lots of amazing gifts from dear friends and family! I have to thank Allison for putting the shower together she did an amazing job!!!

Face shots of the Girls
Baby B is looking straight on horizontally with forehead on the left and chin on the right,
her arm is next to her head at the top
Baby A (harder to see) is looking straight on horizontally but opposite of her sister

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