Thursday, December 29, 2011

32 weeks

32 weeks and counting... We are very blessed to have made it this far in our pregnancy. I have learned that bed rest is not all that it is cracked up to be. There is only so much TV you can watch, Internet you can surf, and books that you can read. The count down to 37 weeks has officially begun and we are praying that we can keep the girls swimming around for 34 more days.  This week took us to the hospital due to a little bleeding, but all is well, they monitored me and found I was contracting a little too much and put me back on the contraction medication around the clock. My sono went well, apparently the girls like to keep everyone on their toes by switching who A and B is every visit. This week Baby A (formerly baby b) has both of her feet next to my cervix and is double footing breech, while her sister, formerly baby A, is still head down but sitting above her sisters feet. Both babies were facing my back so we were not able to get any good face shots. Baby A is measuring about 3lbs and 11oz while baby B is about 3lbs and 13oz. Our placenta's were rated a B and fluid levels were normal for twins. Dr. Motley re checked my cervix and found it very soft, thin, and fingertip.  So more bed rest is in my future... We will start BBP's (biophysical profile) weekly until the girls make there grand entrance to check on the girls health. The BBP looks at heart rates, muscle tone, breathing, movement, and amount of amniotic fluid.

32 Weeks

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