Friday, January 6, 2012

33.2 weeks

Had our weekly appointment today and both girls are growing growing growing! They each are measuring 4lbs and 4 oz! Big girls! My belly is measuring 41 weeks, up from 37 weeks just last week. They are still in the same position they were in last time. Both feet of the presenting baby against my cervix! And her sisters head sitting on her feet. So it looks like we are getting closer and closer to a C/Section delivery. The sonographer pointed out that they both have fuzzy little heads and could see their hair. Guess that means that we need to buy some more bows!! Both girls scored a 10/10 on their BPP's and are very healthy. On the not so good side, my cervix was a good 1cm dilated. Dr. Motley didn't want to press further to stir anything up and collected our last FFN. If negative, it suggests that I will make it to 35 weeks.We have 26 more days until our induction or c/section at 37 weeks! Praying that we can keep them swimming for that much longer. 

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