Saturday, January 21, 2012

They're Here!!

The girls decided that they would make thier arrival Monday evening. I went to have my follow up appointment on Monday morning to drop off the urine, do lab work and get checked. Dr. Larson was on call for Dr. Motley and checked my cervix to find little toes dancing on her finger and a cervix that was 3 to 4cm dilated. I was sent over to Labor and Delivery to see if they could hydrate me and give the girls more time to cook. I of course left my phone in the car and had to use the nurses phone to call Jake to meet me at the hospital. Poor guy had a little sweat on his brow when he finally made it to my room. Dr. Motley came to see us and explained that we were just going to wait and see what happened. I could deliver sooner than later or stay pregnant til the 1st for my scheduled csection. They were able to slow down the contractions that I didn't even know I was having with IV hydration. By 2pm my contractions were minimal, Jake went back to work and I was able to come off the monitor. The plan was for me to be transferred to the antepartum unit where I would remain until it was time for delivery. Around 3pm I started noticing that not only were my contractions starting up again, but they were getting stronger and becoming more frequent. They tried to give me more hydration but this time it was not affective. I called Jake and told him he better come back and my nurse tried getting a hold of Dr. Motley. By 5pm the contractions were every 3 min and my cervix was almost 5cm dilated and I was being prepped for a Csection waiting for Dr. Motley to arrive at the hospital.  Our girls arrived at 6:15pm and 6:16pm.
Neely Ann
4lb 13oz

Avery Grace
4lb 11oz

Because we were 34.5 days girls both needed some extra attention and needed some love from the NICU staff. Neely needed some help opening her airways because she was working too hard to breathe and was put on CPAP. Avery was holding her own and didn't need any help breathing. Both girls needed help with their blood sugar and staying warm. Daddy got to go see his girls while I rested in recovery.

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