Wednesday, December 14, 2011

30 weeks

We have made it to 30 weeks! We had our routine check up with Dr. Motley today. We listen to both of their hearts beating and measured my stomach for growth.  I am measuring about 6 weeks ahead so I look and feel like I am 36 weeks pregnant. When she checked my cervix she noticed that it has thinned out about 50% and felt soft. She collected another FFN and we are anxiously awaiting results, if positive we might do some prophylactic treatments to help the girls mature their lungs faster. We will get the results tomorrow.  We had previously discussed putting me on "bed rest" at 30 weeks so that I would be off my feet and not working 12 hour shifts that sometimes require hard physical work. Good thing we planned for this because it is now needed.  Both girls move constantly and we have fun trying to guess which body part they push out. Sometimes you can feel their head, foot, elbow or knees and sometimes it is a complete toss up to what we feel. As their movements get bigger and bigger my stomach almost becomes like a sci-fi film with all the movement inside.  On another note Jake had his follow-up appointment to re-test his lung function which has greatly improved and is stable!

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