Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Awww, where has the time gone??

The girls are now 9 months old!!! Every week I thought about updating the blog and every week it seemed like there was something to do in our spare time... like sleep!! Soo here is my attempt to back track!


Jake and I could not wait to get the girls home, however, once we were home we quickly forgot why we wanted to come home so badly. Both of our families live out of town and we would not have help until the following day.  When you stay in the NICU they provide you with bottles, nipples, wipes and diapers. We were able to take all of the supplies home with us that they had stocked us with during our stay. This included 3 60ml single use graduated cylinders and 2 little normal flow single use nipples. When we arrived home I grabbed the remainder of the bottles and nipples that we brought home and made the girls bottles. They both ate well and went back to sleep. I soon realized afterwards that the next feed we would not have any bottles. I got the bottles that we had registered for and started to sterilize them. However, as you can see we ran into a little problem. Nipple size and flow were WAY too fast and big for the girls. They both started choking and coughing and spilling the breast milk everywhere.

It was 10pm, neither one of us had gotten any sleep the last10 days and were both emotional wrecks. I was still hurting from my c/s and Jake had not done any good treatments escorting visitors to and from the NICU, we were not in good shape. We had NO way of feeding our babies! I completely broke down. WE ALL COMPLETELY BROKE DOWN. Jake said that we could run to the store, but the thought of being alone with two screaming babies and no way to feed them was way too much for me to handle. After 20 min I thought maybe we could just re-use the 2 nipples that we already used. We called the NICU and the charge nurse told us that we could just re-sterilize them and could use them a couple more times. We grabbed the used bottle and nipple from the trash, and boiled them  (yes, this sounds terrible, but at the time was our only option, PLEASE DONT JUDGE!!) SO, after an hour of 4 people crying we were able to feed our poor babies! Crisis #1 averted.  The next day when help finally arrived, Jake went to the store and brought back some bottles that were more conducive for feeds. Woo hoo!

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