Friday, January 4, 2013

Late preterm

Late preterm. Ugh. Lets start  with that.  U.g.h. At 34.5 we found ourselves in this special category of preterm. We were not necessarily micro premie (24 to 33 weeks), however, we were far from term. As a labor and delivery nurse when I have previously delivered infants at this gestation I always thought they would stay in the nicu a couple of days/weeks and go home "normal. " I was sorely mistaken. Late preterm infants, our special category, come with a wide assortments of problems. Although closeish to the magical 40 week mark we still fell short. 

This special category came with lots of appointments, follow ups, and protection from germs with quarantine proportions. The girls had bi weekly weight checks not only because they were so small, but they needed to make sure they were not working too hard, burning off calories, while they ate. We had strict instructions to only allow them to eat for 30 mins. If they took longer to eat, than they were burning off more than they were taking in. This meant that we had special "techniques" to get them to eat and burp and pray that they had taken enough and would not spit it all back up.  That hurdle did not compare to the poor breastfeeding and GI problems . We had several phone calls and visits to the lactation consultant. Hours and hours and hours and hours (you get the picture) of pumping. Trips to a pulmonolgist for synergis shots because the girls were at risk for rsv because it could be life threatening since they had immature immune systems.  Some of the appointment I had help. Others I did not. Loading, unloading, carrier#1, carrier # 2, stupid huge stroller and praying  I remembered everything x2.  Finally about 3 months of age it starting turning around.

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