Sunday, January 27, 2013

Avery & ASD

 In a follow up weight check for Avery, Dr. Wallace listened to her and heard a murmur consistent with a septal defect. This meant that there was a hole somewhere between the cambers of the heart. The chambers keep oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood separate, if they are mixing than the baby does not get enough oxygen to organs and tissue.

We had just been through Neely's hip issue and now this. Geez. She did a pre Ducatal and post Ducatal oxygen saturation check to make sure it was not causing her respiratory distress. Her saturation was normal and she wanted us to follow up with a cardiologist as soon as possible. They were able to fit us in the next day. We we scheduled to do a EKG to look a the electrical conduction of the heart to make sure there was no arrhythmia's and an echo cardiogram to look at the structure and blood flow of the heart. Thank God, we were scheduled with the perfect doctor for us. Dr Case attends all the echo cardiograms to explain what they are seeing as they conduct the study.
Avery getting her EKG done

The Lord was showing us his grace that day because even though Avery did have a moderate sized hole between the atria of her heart (called ASD, atrial septal defect), Dr Case explained to us that although an abnormal finding, this was not going to cause her any problems in the future and would hopefully close on its own. We went back for a follow up at six months and it had not closed. But Dr. Case did not think any intervention was necessary. We will go back when Avery is 18 months old to see if it has corrected itself.

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