Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sleepless, Spit-up, and Swings

Every month brings new challenges, joy, and new developments in our lives. Here is our month-to-month, sleeping, eating, and doings.

1st month
Girls eating every 2-3 hours, taking about 1 to 2 ounces of breast milk. Neely is our good eater and usually finishes first. Avery we have to work with. We have 30 min to feed the girls and it seems like toward the end of the evening it takes longer and longer to feed. After a couple of sleepless nights with the girls in one of the cribs in our room we have re located them to the pack and play in the living room. I got so much more sleep not waking up to their every little peep. Having issues with spit up which we are told is normal for our late preterm girls! Girls are wearing preemie clothes and starting to fit into newborn size. Still need preemie diapers. They are not big fans of tummy time and are starting to focus on objects and gaining more head control. One month weights: Avery 5lbs 5oz, Neely  5lbs 12oz
Tummy Time

Happy Valentines Day

2nd month
 We have made it to feeds every 4 and sometimes when we are really lucky 6 hours!! Girls are starting to breastfeed better and taking about 3oz when bottle feeding!Still seems like we have enless nights, but we still have them on the same schedule and feeding is getting easier, both girls are able to drink bottles faster, making it possible for us to get a little more sleep! Because reflux is so bad Neely and Avery are both on meds and sleeping better upright in their bouncers. Girls are both loving the swing (best invention ever!) and allowing mom to take a couple naps here and there. They are both fitting into newborn clothes and newborn diapers! They are starting to smile and follow objects with their eyes! It is amazing how fast they grow and change.    Two month weights: Avery 7lbs, 5.5oz, Neely 7lbs 12oz

Avery in her Moby Wrap (another great invention)
 Only way to get anything done with a sleepy baby that wont sleep.
2nd month
Easter Pictures!!

3rd month
Girls are sleeping anywhere from 4 to 8 hours! Neely sleeps much longer than Avery and during the first two months if one woke up than we would get the other one up to keep them on the same schedule. I took a chance one night and didn't wake Neely up to see how long she would sleep. It turns out she slept through the entire feed and onto the next... 8hours!! Glorious! The next night lil sister Avery got the hint and slept through the night too! At this point I was just waking up once during the night to feed/pump! We still are breastfeeding and getting a little better at it, but not quite exclusively. Girls are up to 3 to 4 oz when bottle feeding!  They are still sleeping in swings and bouncers and needing medication for reflux. However we are starting to take naps during the day in their cribs! Avery started turning over from her stomach to back! Since Neely is in her brace it makes it extra hard to roll with that stinky thing. Girls have started watching Baby Einstein and love it!! Avery weighs 9lbs 3oz and Neely is up to 10lbs

3rd month

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