Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sleep, Smiles, and Food!!

four to six months

4th month!!
Sleeping is getting soooo  much better. Neely is sleeping about 6 to sometimes 10hours! However, Avery bug is sleeping about 6 to 8hours. Big accomplishment this month we are sleeping in cribs! Sharing crib right now and getting a little wiggly, not sure how much longer we can share one crib. We started cereal and stage one veggies! Some days we really like the cereal and food, while other days we are over it and would just rather take a bottle. I am making the girls baby food which consists of zucchini, squash, sweet potato's, green beans, pears, apples, and bananas. I started making baby food for several reasons, 1) cost, although its not really expensive it does add up with two mouths, 2) nutrition, I am not normally "one of those" that buys only organic and bakes/cooks from scratch. But, a friend challenged me to look at the ingredients in some brands and I was a little mystified about some of the sneaky additions. Also, I could never make myself even try store bought food, to smell it was enough. When you make it yourself, you know exactly what is in it and don't mind trying it. 3) Its SOOO easy. I know it sounds like such a chore and now back at work, I still have time. I can make a weeks worth of food during one nap time. Just boil, blend, and freeze ( I found some silicone one ounce square freezer trays that worked perfectly).  Girls are now taking 4 to 6 ounces of breast milk. We are up to size 1 diapers and wearing 3 months clothes! Neely is weighing 11lbs, 2 oz and Avery is up to 10lbs 6oz.


4th month
5th Month
 We now have a "bedtime!" Girls are going to bed around 8pm and sleeping until 5 or 6am. It feels nice to have schedule! We are still Breastfeeding about once to twice a day and bottle feeding about 6ounces. Due to the significant decrease in my supply we are mixing half milk and half formula. We are using soy formula due to Avery's Milk protein intolerance. At first the girls were very resistant to the formula, but now they are starting to tolerate it better.  We are eating more and more fruits and vegetables and love baby Mum-mums. Neely is helping mom by holding her own bottle! It makes for much easier feeding time. Neely has followed Avery and is now rolling from back to front and her brace is off!! Yay! Girls are now sleeping in separate cribs because they are so very wiggly. They are never in the same place they are when we put them done at. We still have to get up every once or twice in a while and re-pacify the girls, but its getting less and less frequent.  Girls are laughing and smiling and its so fun to watch and play with all the new developments!  Neely is up to 6 months clothes and Avery is wearing 3 month. Both girls are wearing size 1 diapers, although they are getting a little snug! Neely is up to 12lbs 14.5oz,  Avery 11lbs 9oz

5th month

6th month!! We've made it half of a year!!
Sleeping from 8pm to about 6am on most days. They love all fruits and veggies that we give them, so far we do not have picky babies.  Both girls are taking 4 to 6 ounces of formula and breast milk. We have started to switch from soy formula to regular and Avery is tolerating it well.  Girls are up to size two diapers. Neely is in 6 month clothing and Avery is wearing 3-6 month. They are starting to take two distinctive naps. Rolling around from back to tummy and tummy to back. They are sitting up with the help of boppy pillows and love sitting and playing in bumbo seats! Starting to love the jumper and figuring out how to roll the rattle and play with all the pieces.  I feel like all of a sudden I can breathe and I feel like we can do this!Girls are interacting with us and each other and we are starting to get a routine down. Feeding is getting easier we are all sleeping better, things are looking up! Weights::  Neely 14lb 11oz,  Avery 12lbs, 10oz


These are our amazing 6 month pictures taken by JDuarte!!!

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