Thursday, February 14, 2013

Venturing Out Into the Wortd

seven to nine months

7th month!! Awwwwww! It seems like it has gone by so fast, yet so slow at times.
We are still sleeping our normal schedule from about 8pm to 5-6am. Girls love eating everything! Love rice puffs, teething biscuits, fruits, and vegetables. We have added chicken and yogurt to our diet and love both. I make chicken baby food by boiling it with either sweet potatoes, rice, or green beans. Then blend it up and freeze. Its a lot easier and tastes better than I thought. Girls are really developing fine motor skills and able to pick up french fries and bananas! Avery is taking 6oz of formula and breast milk and Neely 6-8oz. Starting to get a eating and bottle schedule down. We usually do morning bottle, then back to sleep. When the girls wake up we do "breakfast" (2-4 oz of baby food, each) and play time and bottle. Girls then eat lunch (2-4 oz of baby food, each), afternoon nap, bottle, playtime, and then dinner! We are now sitting up unassisted and love to play on the play mat with each other and toys!  Girls are starting to really snuggle up with a minky blanket that we now "need" for bedtime and nap time. Neely now has 2 teeth! Avery continues to drool on everything, no teeth yet! Neely and Avery are starting to babble, squeal, and giggle all the time.  Girls are wearing size two diapers and wearing 6 month clothes.

Jake update: Jake was admitted to the hospital for his "normal" IV antibiotic regimen to help clean out his lungs.  His lung function dropped quite a bit and they felt that it was time for the "big guns" of antibiotics to help with his lung function. He ususally stays inpatient for about 5 days and then goes home with  a PICC line and we continue home antibiotics for a total of 21 days. Thank goodness for aunt Susan for coming to the rescue to help us during his hopsitalization, picture above left from the girls visit with daddy!
7th month
8th month
Girls are sleeping about the same. Avery sleeps sooo well. We can just put her down in her crib and she rolls over with her blanky and paci and goes right to sleep. Neely, however, ugh. This girl fights it!  We usually give her about 20 min depending on the cry and go get her. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. She doesn't want to take naps either! So we set up the pack and play in the guest room and she naps in there when she finally gets tired enough.  We have finally run out of breast milk and are on full formula. Avery still takes 6oz and Neely takes closer to 8oz. Still on our same schedule. It seems like around 4 to 5pm it becomes cranky city! Now that its cooling off outside we have to get out of the house and walk as much as we can for moms sanity. Girls love getting outside and riding in the stroller. Girls still wearing size 2 diapers and wearing 6 month clothes.  Neely 16lbs, 6oz and Avery 14lbs, 4oz

8th month

9 months already!
 They are becoming better and better sleepers. Bedtime is usually around 7pm and starting to wake up around 6am. Eating all kinds of new foods, fish sticks, pancakes, waffles, and grilled cheese. We have tried sippy's on and off with no real consistency, but as we get closer and closer to the "no bottle" benchmark we are starting to really use them with every "meal."  Neely is wearing 9 month clothes, and Avery still in 6 month, they are finally getting tighter! We are still in size 2 diapers! Neely got 3 more teeth for a total of 5! Avery just got her first! Girls are starting to pull up themselves and love to play on the activity table. Avery is crawling! A little wobbly now but starting to pick up speed. Neely remains on all fours and rocking but not crawling just yet.  We finally got our ears pierced, and of course daddy was not a happy camper and made his mom come with me! It was not bad at all. We took them to Claire's, they did both ears at the same time and the crying was over before I could get off the stool. Avery starting to crawl and pulling up on toys. Girls love to talk talk talk! Neely 17lbs, 15oz Avery 15oz, 8oz
9th month


  1. Was searching for my GF’s blog and came across yours. Started reading and came to your post about having your twin dd’s ears pierced. I did our identical g/g twins close to this age.

    This was a perfect age to pierce their ears! I believe it is always best done early when she wouldn’t remember and have mommy care for them during the healing phase. When there older, they will just be are a part of them and won’t bother them.

    You were a smart mommy for doing it. Babies and little girls with little pierced ears celebrates their femininity and femaleness.

    Our ped encouraged me to do it when mommy could care for them. Also, she gave me some tips for moms helping them to find the right person, place and type of earrings to use for infants having their ears pierced. Would be happy to share by e-mail with any moms wanting more info.


  2. Thank you! I thought so also! They didn't really ever mess with them at that age, now they are just apart of them. Of course not everyone agrees, I got my fair stare of comments. But, I still stand behind my decision and would do it over again!

  3. Courtney,

    You are most welcome for the support and reassurance having your twin girls ears pierced. They are totally precious. My mom did mine when I was three days old at home and I always loved wearing earrings!

    I told dh when I was pregnant that if we had a girl, I'd have our dd's ears pierced as soon as she was born. I even dreamed about the nurses bringing me her from the nursery and she already had little earrings and was soO cute. When I found that I was having twin girls, I told dh that both girls would have earrings ASAP.

    While I was pregnant, I would on the look out for babies with pierced ears to show dh. I didn't have to look far. I keep seeing babies and little girls w/ sweet little gold studs in their ears and I knew that I wanted our dd to have little pierced earrings too. Dh finally agreed with me how darling babies with pierced ears looked and gave his approval.

    Don't worry about what other think. It a normal thing to be unsure, but you did them a favor for doing it now. Did I say they'd look pretty? We all have momentary misgivings about causing any pain for our chidren. What changed my mind? Well three things: 1) Our ped said if they cry, it is because of being restrained or the noise of the piercing instrument near their ears, not any pain, 2) our ped pierced her dd at 6 mos old 3) our ped reassured me it was much better if mommy could care for them during the healing phase since she has never seen any infections in newborns/infants.

    Ninety nine percent of moms comment how adorable our twins look with earrings. Many stop and ask me about it and all wish they had done it sooner with their little girls. My sister and I put some rebuttals to the one percent of neysayers. Write me if you'd like them.

