Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Oh the Clamity!!!

ten to twelve months

We are sleeping from 8pm to 7am most days, every once and a while we will still wake up around 5 or 6am. They are eating oatmeal, rice, cheese, crackers, green beans, peas, vanilla wafers, mac and cheese, mum mums, and anything else we can break into small pieces. They are starting to hold their own sippy cups. Which makes more a much easier meal time for mommy.  Crawling everywhere in a second. I can not believe how fast they are and how fast they develop from day to day. They both love to talk, babble and laugh. Both girls are wearing 9m,  and size 2 diapers. Avery finally has 2 teeth and starting to stand without pulling up on anything. Neely loves following sister around and starting to get into trouble together.  Girls starting to "talk" to each other in cribs.  We will lay them down for naps or bedtime and hear them babbling. On the monitor they are both standing up in the cribs talking to each other across the room. So stinking funny!!!
Avery at her visit to cooks ER. Both girls got RSV, and Avery seemed to get the worst of it. Poor thing. Got some medication, treatments, and suctioning and we were on our way!

11 month
Girls are starting to go to bed closer to 8pm and waking up around 7am. They love to eat and so far have not been very picky, even though our meal cleaner-uper, Harvey, is! He is not a fan of the green beans.  They love playing with the food on their trays and are getting better and better at fine motor skills.  Doing great with sippy cups and starting to take then in between meals. Neely is so good at opening and closing doors, its her new favorite thing which again, gets them into trouble. They love getting into cabinets, pantry, closets, etc. There is not a day that goes by that we don't baby proof something else that they get into or find.  Avery is still wearing 9m and Neely, big girl, is up to 12 month. They are both still in size 2 diapers.Both girls are standing and "scaling" walls, cabinets, and couches. Neely still is not a good napper and doesn't want to miss anything, while Avery loves to sleep still!!!



12th month
 Starting to sleep 8pm to  some days to 8am!!! We are starting to introduce whole milk and Neely is loving it. After a couple of days she was not taking anymore formula. Avery, however, tends to have a little more of a sensitive stomach and we are starting to mix it.  WALKING!!! AWWW! Not ready for that! Neely was almost taking steps for about a week. Avery was still not ready to let go. But, 2 weeks before their birthday, we looked up and Avery took 6 whole steps!!! The following night Neely was walking also. Within 1 to 2 weeks they were walking 75% of the time.They are so wobbly! Neely walks like ET, hobbling side to side, while Avery is much faster than her balance and looks like she is flailing. Girls love to "help" mama with laundry. They love pulling out all the clothes and throwing them. So funny! Neely still wearing 12m and Avery still 9m. We are up to size 3 diapers. Neely has 6 teeth, while Avery still has two. They love to carry around  favorite toys and  clothes. On of their favorite games is pulling out all the wipes when mom forgets to shut the lid. They are constantly exploring everywhere and getting into everything.  Neely weighs 19lbs 11oz and Avery 17lbs 6oz.

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