Monday, October 28, 2013

Where has the time gone????!!! Family update!

We are almost two!  I can not believe it. This year has seen lots of ups and downs so far and can not wait to see what the rest holds. Avery and Neely are everywhere. I mean. e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e! Places that I can not fathom, and doing things I am not sure how they know to do. What one cant accomplish by herself they have learned to work together and can basically achieve anything. Yay for teamwork, Nay for moms sanity!!!! The girls vocabulary has increased exponentially and I am not even sure if we can count all the words.  We still take one to two naps a day and are going to bed around 7:30pm  and getting up around 7am.  Eating is a constant battle, but I am told this is normal for their growth pattern now, still makes me crazy when they don't eat! But, they are gaining weight and still as rambunctious as ever so I guess the pedi is on to something with, "they will eat when they are hungry." I am pretty sure 95% of their diet is goldfish and I am told this is also "normal" They haven't turned orange yet, sooo....

We love exploring new things, safe or not! So safety proofing our house is a constant war. I am quite positive that there are no amount of safety proofing items to keep two determined twins from doing what they want.  For example, while taking the towels out of the drier, I came back to find four feet handing out of it on top of the remainder of the laundry still inside!! What!?! They have figured out which cabinet locks are weak and they attack. The two of them literally broke two of the  locks and now have a secret hideout!  Neely has figured out not only how to lock and unlock the dishwasher but to start it as well.   EEEKKKK!

In August we started a new mothers day out program that is 3 days a week and has extended hours! It works out perfectly for my clinical group on Mondays, and work Wednesdays and Fridays. I leaves me open to be with the girls Monday afternoons, Tuesdays and Thursdays!

Jake has had the opportunity to start in a new drug therapy for his type of CF! So far that is going well. The best part about the study is that when in closes in December/ January, he will be able to get the medication on a continuation study  that should reverse the faulty CFTR gene until it is released to the public! Here is a link to a similar drug for a different CFTR gene that has already been released!

He had to be hospitalized in September for a exacerbation "tune-up" which is becoming harder and harder for mommy with two toddlers. Jake had to have an unexpected surgery which complicated his stay. Although the surgery is "minor" for "normal" people is made things difficult for breathing. He came home on oxygen at night and is now starting to feel better.

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