Monday, June 27, 2011

First Sono 5weeks 5days

Yep, those two sacs are two babies! I cried and laughed and laughed some more. It is very strange to see them on the screen and know they are actually inside of me. I can not put into words what its like to see the screen and hear Dr. Keathley say  "two" it is very surreal. The first words out of Jake's mouth after Dr. Keathley said there are two were, "we need to get a bigger car" lol. We are both still in shock and it does not seem real. Good thing I am off today, I would not be very productive. Poor Jake's at work and has already called me twice since I have gotten home, does not appear he will be productive either.

The two circles in the middle of the gestational sacs are the yolk sacs for each baby. My next sono is on July 7th, we should be 7weeks and 1 day and should be able to see the heart beats.

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