Tuesday, June 21, 2011

HCG levels 2

I am so sorry, I am a bad blogger. Life has been on super speed. On Friday my HCG level was about 630! So everything is progressing as it should. It seemed that as soon as everything was positive that the tiredness and queasiness set in. I am not nauseous but just have this overwhelming queasy feeling after I wake up from bed or a nap. So here's to ginger ale and zofran. Tomorrow I will be exactly 5 weeks pregnant (i know that doesn't seem right but, the dating starts from your last menstrual period, even though we know exactly when we conceived) and the baby(ies) will be about the size of an orange seed. Crazy isn't it? We are in Colorado at the cabin taking it easy and enjoying the cool 70 degree breeze! When we get back on monday we will have our first sono, woo hoo!

Picture I took yesterday when we were hiking

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