Sunday, August 14, 2011

12-13 weeks

We are officially out of our first trimester and into our fourth month of pregnancy. It seems like it has taken so long, but at the same time flown by.  The twins are going to be about 3 inches long from head to rump and have now fully formed. Now all their systems will mature over the next several months.  Hair follicles, finger prints, vocal cords, and bone marrow are all taking shape. My next appointment is not until the first of September, which seems like forever away. After that appointment I will see a sonographer who will be able to tell us what we are having around 18 weeks.  I cant wait to see how big they have gotten and start the naming process!  It is getting easier to pick up their heart rates with the Doppler, however, hard to tell if we are listening to one baby twice or hearing both babies. As you can see below my tummy is expanding, I have a small amount of "normal" clothes that still fit and finding out that Jake's t-shirts and loose fitting drawstring pants are starting to be my go to wardrobe (real cute)!

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