Thursday, August 25, 2011

14 weeks

We have arrived at 14 weeks. As you can see the babies are growing rapidly. They are the size of your clenched fist from head to rump. I can not wait to see them next Thursday, four weeks is too long! I got very spoiled in the beginning getting to see them every other week or so.  The only thing that I can think to complain about is tiredness. Apparently it is a lot of work growing two babies.

   On a side note, Jake is participating in a clinical research trial to test new CF drugs. We will have no idea if he has received the new inhaled antibiotic or just the placebo. The plus side, if he receives the new drug his lung function could increase 10 to 12% ( which is amazing), however, the downside is he had to stop taking some of his medications in order to test the effectiveness of this one. He is going every other week for check-ups and at any point his lung function declines he can be removed from the study to get back on his treatment plan. So far he has maintained his lung function and last check up it increased one percent. He has been taking the medication for one week. Other great CF news, researchers have identified and isolated the specific protein that causes the CF disease down to the starting mutation. They have not only developed a medication for his specific mutation delta F508 (as there are 1400 mutations) but plan to get the medication out on the market hopefully in the next couple of years (they are in the last phase of clinical trials). This medication will not cure CF by any means but will hopefully prevent further damage to pt lungs and other vital organs which is a HUGE step forward.

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