Monday, May 16, 2011

Medications and Updates

All my IVF medications
These are the vast array of all the medications that were mailed to me last Tuesday. A little overwhelming? Tell me about it. They all work in conjunction to help stimulate eggs, minimize inflammation, prevent infection, grow uterine lining for implantation, and support the embryo after implantation.

I have been taking the daily Lupron injections for about of week now and I have to say now I am a pro! I do not get as squeamish and learned a couple of tricks to minimize the pain. I have to say thanks to Jenn, Julie, and Jake for putting up with my fear of injecting myself and have all taken their turns giving me my daily injections.   I have one more day of birth control pills, which is kind of exciting because that means that this will hopefully be the last period in nine months! It will also help calculate the due date, based on my last menstrual period! But again, I am no stranger to road blocks, challenges, and last minute rearranging so we welcome continued prayers and support!

Jake update: Jakes CT scan came back with minimal bacterial growth which is great news! This along with improved lung function is a welcomed distraction. Because of the lack of design jobs in Jake's office, his boss decided to send him and another employee to Kansas City, Missouri for 3 weeks! Perfect timing right? I am keeping my self busy at work, school, and with all my appointments, medications, and sono's.  It might work out better for Jake to be in Missouri as I hear that once I start the stimulation medication my hormones will be crazy. He is planning to be home May 27th a mere couple days before the real fun starts.

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